Sunday, November 24, 2013


“So what have you been practicing?” Jeren asked once he was finished.
“Hm? Oh, I've been trying to combine techniques from some different cultures into my own fighting style.”
“Well, you’re certainly got the combining part down. And I doubt any future opponents of yours would expect an attack from that fancy sword to be followed by a knockout punch.” Jeren laughed. “Although I wonder, just who exactly do you expect to be fighting?”
Janen shrugged, casually fiddling with her weapon. “Anyone who threatens my home or family, I suppose.”
“Somehow I don’t believe you plan on spending the rest of your life looking after Jillen and me.”
“As heir to the throne, my home will be all of Eckba, and any citizens of this land become my responsibility.” Jeren jumped slightly as his sister’s words rang about the training room, and he was startled to see the look of steely determination in her eyes.
“That’s good, I think, but how about in the mean time you come have dinner with your relatives?” He asked after a few moments of silence. Janen arched an eyebrow at him, but then smiled and set down her sword.
“Agreed.” She said, and Jeren clapped her on the shoulder.
“Good, because I’m starving, and Father won’t start until you get there.”

Well, I think I jinxed myself. I said before I thought I might actually win NaNoWriMo this year, but I've barely done any writing at all in the last week. The reason? School. And working on other projects. I have a habit of jumping around from one project to another and back again within a matter of days. Granted, I was doing really well at first, just concentrating on the Royal Trio of Eckba, but now I've shifted over to my superhero comicbook series again.
Ah well, there's always next year. And for the next entry, I'll probably either type up the next step in Aylon Wildseeker's tale, or actually tell you a bit about the Jr. Team.

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