Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bah Weep Granah Weep Ninni Bong!

If you do not understand the title reference, go watch the movie that started season 3 of the original Transformers, you heathen!

Anywho, welcome to the new blog of the Triscribe! Otherwise known as me!

Hm. Now I have to figure out something to muse about. Myself? Nah, too conceited.
I know! I'll role a mythical character named Tay, and I shall write about her backstory! It's genius, because bragging about someone else's achievements is better than boasting about my own, even if there are remarkable similarities between Tay and myself...

Home(s): Previous family home on Long Island, New York; current locations are Mother's house near the high school, Father's apartment on the other side of town.
Family: Above mentioned parents, aggravating maternal grandmother, less-aggravating paternal grandparents. Father's younger sister who is rarely heard from, and various distant relations barely remembered on both sides.
Friends: Assorted.
Literary Accomplishments: 2 1/2 books for a Fantasy trilogy written; extras for that project include world map, character profiles, portraits, backstories and previous adventures; 40,000 years of complex history; 3 active systems of gods; chaotic political ties and rifts; various magic systems, the inner workings of which are currently being worked out, including the formulas used by mages who no longer exist. There are several other projects in the works (genres including more high fantasy, modern fantasy, post-apocalyptic sci-fi and superheroes) all of which started as drawings, but none of the others are yet as detailed as that first one.
Scholarly Achievements:... Yeah, no, I'm gonna skip this one. Not that it's devoid of any material, but that's not something I hold in high regard for myself. Er, for Tay, that is.
Choice of Entertainment: I know what, the only question is DC or Marvel. Top choices: Bat folk of Gotham and Avengers of any incarnation. Includes the comics, T.V. shows and the latter's live action movie.
Personal Quirks: Always, always, always carry the following: Choice of reading material (anywhere from the latest issue of the X-Men to Batman and Psychology, which I get to read for a school project :), at least one notebook, and two or more sketchbooks, plus assorted writing/drawing/inking/coloring tools.

And that's as far as I'm going for now! Hopefully after this introduction, I can actually create some musings for my stories, and the RRHS Creative Writing Club which this blog will be affiliated with.
For my fellow geeks, let the Force be with you, and for the nerds, may the force equal mass times acceleration. For the rest of you, see ya'll later.

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